
By poopiemanlol - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I realized that you should never teach your 6 year-old child how to use the microwave, unless you want to be cleaning melted pet fish for about half an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 151
You deserved it 11 912

Top comments

Lovely :| I think you need to teach your child not to kill pets!

Alice_Cullen7 0

lol, aww poor pet fish. but u should have been watching her!


Next on the list: teach your kid that fish is much better in the oven than the microwave.

blah123blah 0

DUDE! that's funny. seriously though what's wrong with your kid? he's either sadistic, or he doesn't understand the simple concept that living things being cooked is a slow torturous death. most kids cry when an animal is in pain.

burgen 0

I'm a total fish nerd...this made me sad. Fish are pets too :(

Congrats, your 6 year old will grow up to be a serial killer

ooooooooooooooo, ouch, let everyone take note of this...

OP, your kid is a complete menace. I can only hope that you didn't call him Dennis.

YDI, something like that isn't made for children.

I don't agree with everyone saying that the OP should not have taught their kid to use a microwave just because they are 6. However I do think that the obviously did not teach them well, and also they should have taught them that the microwave is only to be used when an adult is supervising.