By Anonymous - 08/08/2015 04:02 - United States - Portland

Today, my wife handed over most of our son's college fund, in cash, to an investment scammer going by the name "Herp A. Derpson". FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 138
You deserved it 3 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did he say he was a prince from Nigeria too?

iPixelCheese 19

No offense, but your wife is a dumbass. And wasn't there another FML where the mom was about to send 1400 dollars to a church, and the pastor was Herp McDerpington. Unlike that story, it's too late, I am sorry OP


griffinultra 15

You're wife seems like a bit of a dumbass.

plot twist: herp a derpson is actually their kid' name

karcummings 19

not to be a grammar nazi. but its your.

I think OP's wife needs a college fund. Or perhaps an education in common sense.

ihavenolifehaha 16

Why is your wife even touching your sons money?

iPixelCheese 19

College fund. They are paying his college fund.

ihavenolifehaha 16

This is the first civil argument I've ever seen on this site.

iPixelCheese 19

I feel like I'm the only one In the world who honestly agrees with this response.

Did he say he was a prince from Nigeria too?

Hey now, that prince has died many times, and one of these times I will be able to come into contact with the holder of the money I'm owed.

1dvs_bstd 41

I don't know about you but the last time I talked to the prince of Nigeria, he promised me a plump wife and a canoe.

kmorse 14

When the Prince of Nigeria contacts you directly, you don't ask questions! You help where you can!

iPixelCheese 19

No offense, but your wife is a dumbass. And wasn't there another FML where the mom was about to send 1400 dollars to a church, and the pastor was Herp McDerpington. Unlike that story, it's too late, I am sorry OP

Yeah there was I just saw it today, I don't understand how people buy into that BS....


I never understood how someone can be so easily fooled. seriously check references of everyone that will be in control of your money investment companies, banks, charities, etc. make sure you know where that money is going. it's really not that hard.

She knew where the money was going to. Good ol Herp.

If your son inherited your wife's intelligence, he won't need collage anyway.

Lemme guess, you didn't go to 'collage' either

Maybe thats what they call Art School?

or lack of intelligence as the case may be

Actually, I did go to college. I downloaded a new keyboard on this phone and it has a mind of its own sometimes. Should have proofread.

You missed the joke by this ( ) much

I can help you make it back. There's a bridge in Brooklyn for sale..

well on the plus side... ummm... ok there is no plus side... you should probably never let your wife go near your MasterCard... or answer the door for that matter.

karcummings 19

sounds like your wife needs to be educated in this department.. desperately fast