
By poopiemanlol - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I realized that you should never teach your 6 year-old child how to use the microwave, unless you want to be cleaning melted pet fish for about half an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 151
You deserved it 11 912

Top comments

Lovely :| I think you need to teach your child not to kill pets!

Alice_Cullen7 0

lol, aww poor pet fish. but u should have been watching her!


joemk2012 0

It's an honest mistake, really. He thought fish liked waves.

People, CALM DOWN, seriously. A microwave isn't a gun that's gonna shoot people automatically. I used the microwave just fine when I was like 7 :) Either I'm genius, or everyone else is a dumbass.

I disagree. Running with scissors is a great pastime as a child.

I'm with 42# I could do all those things by the time I was the the op's childs age. I just wasn't a psychopath.

mylife30 0

and where was the op when the kid was microwaving the family fish?! YDI for not watching your child.

Better keep an eye on that kid and make sure he doesn't grow up to be a dahmer or something

Its not the fact that a child knows how to use a microwave, its the fact that he hasn't been taught that when you take a fish out of water it will DIE!!!!! You seriously need to teach your child to respect animals, you learn a lot about a person in the way they treat animals I would be worried if this was my son.