
By poopiemanlol - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I realized that you should never teach your 6 year-old child how to use the microwave, unless you want to be cleaning melted pet fish for about half an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 151
You deserved it 11 912

Top comments

Lovely :| I think you need to teach your child not to kill pets!

Alice_Cullen7 0

lol, aww poor pet fish. but u should have been watching her!


@59: yet your still reading it and commenting! You know you can "change the channel" with that little bar that says something like "http://wwwfmylife.com/blah." Or with the miracle of the internet you can make your own channel! @OP Hahaha! that sucks fyl. But I'm glad it was only a gold fish.

the_stereotype 0

that's horrifying! but then again...at least it wasn't a fork

Six is old enough to know better about pain infliction on an animal. Even a fish. Did you know that animal torture is an early sign of psychopaths?

wouldn't it just cook? I certainly don't notice fish melting when I microwave them..

It's ok nothing wrong with a fish dying. I feel sorry for the microwave more.

Why on Earth would you let a 6-year-old near a microwave anyway?! You obviously didn't teach them that well if they don't know not to microwave live animals. You're lucky it's just the fish that died, what if your kid had decided to put something electrical in there??? YDI for reproducing.

Dynoblaze 1

Melt her favorite toys. that will teach her to not stick live things in the microwave. And tell her if she ever attempts to do something like that again shell be going to a place where her rooms nice and padded and magic pills are given to make her happy.

Lol!!! I was thinking at first: "OMG!!! How could your kid do such a thing?" Then after putting myself in his shoes, your son must have been hungry and thought that microwaving the fish was how you would cook one. Dont worry its not that much of a big deal. Just tell him the do and donts of microwaving or just teach him how to use any technology equipment/appliance at an older age (since his thought process still isnt developed fully).