
By poopiemanlol - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I realized that you should never teach your 6 year-old child how to use the microwave, unless you want to be cleaning melted pet fish for about half an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 151
You deserved it 11 912

Top comments

Lovely :| I think you need to teach your child not to kill pets!

Alice_Cullen7 0

lol, aww poor pet fish. but u should have been watching her!


WTF? your kid has some SERIOUS problems!! you know the most famous serial killers started this way... teach him/her some manners URGENTLY.

Actually most serial killers started out by purposely torturing and killing animals for pleasure. I doubt a 6 year old who just learned how to use a microwave really understood what would happen to the fish.

Oh, yay! Story tiem! Lemme tell you about the first time I used a microwave when I was a kid... Mom was busy, and I wanted some spaghettios. So I put them in a bowl, and put the bowl in the microwave. I didn't know what to do from there, but the only other place I remembered seeing a number pad before was on the telephone. I used to call my grandmother every night back then. So I dialed my grandmother's phone number in the microwave. Mom wasn't too happen about that...

I can completely imagine my nephew doing that. xD

Probably just the uranium, handguns and thumbtacks. I mean OP's not an idiot... Oh no, wait she is. Very much so. Children should have children's things, like sandwiches with the crusts cut off, Ribena in little cartons, dungarees, patent leather t-bar shoes, the Tweenies, pop-up books, tricycles and bobble hats. Not Michael Waves.

If you are a bit sensitive this shit is not funny at all! I just wanna kick the ass of who laughs about this.

Parenting fail. My six year old knows how to work the microwave, she also knows what does and doesn't go in it. But, more importantly, we don't let her just hang around in the kitchen for no reason unsupervised.

Lots of six year olds know how to use a microwave. Your kid's just twisted.

or just teach him the basics of microwave use, and not frying all of his Dijon pets

Melted pet fish? Was your fish made of plastic? Real animals don't 'melt', they explode. Sorry to hear about the fish. Don't let the kid around animals or microwaves untill they can understand how to treat both the right way.

MangeMoi_fml 0

Wtf..Six is definitely old enough to use a microwave. And definitely old enough to know not to put a pet fish in there. Not the parents' fault, the child is crazy lls

nonynony 0

Six is a little old to not understand how to take care of a pet. Not knowing how to use a microwave? OK. But accidentally killing your pet isn't something I'd expect to happen beyond maybe age 4. You should keep an eye on him.