
By Anonymous - 04/10/2015 23:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was stung by a wasp. Startled, I stumbled and grabbed a nearby tree branch to regain my balance. The branch happened to be the location of the wasp's nest, which fell to the ground and split open. The wasps weren't happy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 310
You deserved it 1 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that wasps as a species are the biggest assholes on the planet.


I'm amazed that you only got stung by one wasp.

That's some Tom & Jerry stuff right there

i feel your pain OP, I once put a hedge trimmer straight through a wasp's nest while cutting my parents hedge, i very colorfully told my dad that I will never be trimming his hedge for him again

my first thought is how did the wasp sting you?.... you do know that wasps bite right? or maybe sad to say your education is that poor

No, wasps certainly sting. Some may bite, I've only ever heard of them stinging.

Actually, according to Google, wasps sting - More than once, since their stingers don't come out. - but they don't bite.

actually the do bite that's sad you need Google as your education I work outside with kids I know they don't stink bees sting wasps bite and hornets sting wow and I didn't need Google to tell me that

Then you're an idiot. Ignorance is one thing, but refusing to admit you're wrong is stupidity. Go talk to a bug expert, read a book, bet they will tell you wasps DO sting.

That's one reason why I don't go outside that much.

Iamnotfat 16

While you were being stung by all the other wasps, that first wasp rubbed his hands together, and snickered.