Opinions wanted

By isobell1234 - 01/10/2023 05:00 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I got a 4-hour Saturday detention as a punishment for skipping a regular detention. We had to wear full school uniforms, then sit at our desks in silence and write long boring punishment essays. It was HORRIBLE. I don't think schools should be allowed to detain and punish pupils on a Saturday. Do you agree? FML
I agree, your life sucks 197
You deserved it 2 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think schools should be holding detention on saturday because the teachers are already overworked and underpaid without also needing to sacrifice their weekends, not because of you since you deserve it. Plus, the only one you can blame for saturday detention is yourself, since you yourself admit tbat you chose to skip on regular detention, so what did you expect?

Christina Winden 22

Literally no one is going to agree with you. The entire point of a punishment is to make you stop and think the next time you’re about to do something you know is wrong, and to deter you from doing it. If you’re this upset over a Saturday detention clearly it worked.


Christina Winden 22

Literally no one is going to agree with you. The entire point of a punishment is to make you stop and think the next time you’re about to do something you know is wrong, and to deter you from doing it. If you’re this upset over a Saturday detention clearly it worked.

exactly...bet you won't want to do it again

Nikki 17

F your teachers life for having to be there on a Saturday because your a shitty person

I don't think schools should be holding detention on saturday because the teachers are already overworked and underpaid without also needing to sacrifice their weekends, not because of you since you deserve it. Plus, the only one you can blame for saturday detention is yourself, since you yourself admit tbat you chose to skip on regular detention, so what did you expect?

To quote a fellow FMLer: Well, well, well... If it isn't the consequences of your actions.

I agree. Teachers do enough. Perhaps a weekend in jail would be better for you.

As a teacher, screw you. We have enough to do. I hope the teacher who had to come in on a Saturday to watch you got paid extra.

I only feel bad for your teacher. Especially if he had to raid Barry Manilow's wardrobe.

Why didn't you serve your detention at the weekday time? The FML belongs to the poor bastard who has to read your essays.

Do we agree? No, we emphatically and wholeheartedly disagree. We only feel sorry for the poor teacher who has to give up their Saturday to try and shape a little wanker like you into a decent human being. As for you, well, keep on that path and the thought that you will have to work every Saturday in a dead end job is at this very moment bringing me great peace. Karma, you rock!!!!

maybe use your brain next time and not skip that weekday detention. or better yet not get detention at all. it's not hard to not be a douche in school f the teacher's life who had to probably change plans to babysit you