Not so funny after all

By oops - 21/09/2013 01:30 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, being the prank couple that we are, I decided to mess with my husband. When he got off work, I said, "The lady from your office called and said she was pregnant. From you." He immediately broke down crying, and said, "I knew it." Turns out, my fetus already has a sibling. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 457
You deserved it 7 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Reminds me of that woman that pranked her husband for Kanye West tickets and found out he was sleeping with her sister.

I'm not really sure why she got any YDIs but then I thought about it. If the guy WASN'T really doing that it wouldn't be much of a prank. He would say, "no she's not" at most. That isn't very entertaining for him. So, either it's not true or she had a suspicion and played it off as a prank. Just my opinion.

cylus13 9

Ether you caught him cheating on you with a joke, or he is just really quick witted and pulled the prank back on you. I say this because I will not cheat on my wife so if she said something like that to me. I'd answer the same way. Depending how long you two have been together, he might know your towns, and know when your joking. At lest that's what I'm hoping for your sake.

kmf_stephyc 2

Mann I hope the OP responds back, and I hope he was pranking her as well.Why spend thousands of dollars to get married then cheat? I dont get it.And guys wonder why some women are so bitter.

thegravytrain 6

Admit it- deep down, you had a suspicion he was having an affair, and your "joke" was partly to see his reaction. Well you were correct! But I doubt it's what you wanted to hear..

RiessBaby 6

and thats when rage mode would have kicked in and someone would have been losing some damn teeth. PIGS!!!