Not now, mom

By not my idea - 27/04/2020 20:00

Today, my mom learned via Facebook that my ex is now divorced. She took this as a "sign from God" that he’s my soulmate, and took it upon herself to try to set us up. Not only have I not talked to this fool since we broke up in high school, I’m not sure who’s more pissed off, me or my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 559
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suggest putting your marriage certificate in a spot well hidden from your mother. Just in case.

samomaha 17

Perhaps, at same time, make a copy of the wedding certificate, frame it, and give it to your mother.


I'm guessing the most pissed off person in this scenario is the ex. God told him to dump his wife to take his shot with you and you won't return his calls! Don't try to block divine intervention! That's why we have coronavirus.

I suggest putting your marriage certificate in a spot well hidden from your mother. Just in case.

samomaha 17

Perhaps, at same time, make a copy of the wedding certificate, frame it, and give it to your mother.

tounces7 27

So clearly your mom is way overbearing and pushes herself into your life far more than she should. Maybe it's time to make her an "ex" too.

TheGestalt97 11

I hope you mean your husband is pissed at your mom, not you. You did nothing!

It’s time to set boundaries with Mom. She sternly needs to know that attempting to break up your current marriage will not be tolerated. If she can’t respect that, then limited or no contact with you and her will be enforced. I’m sorry for your situation; it shouldn’t be that way. I have to disown my parents and 5 siblings because they can’t respect my boundaries.