Noooooo! Duuuuude!

By Thai rice mistake - 12/02/2013 08:04 - United States - Oakland

Today, I was super hungry and went to a Thai restaurant. The waitress left two small bowls of fried rice on the counter, and I thought they were for me. I ate one and a lady came over screaming. Apparently the small cups of rice was part of a religious ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 809
You deserved it 19 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cradle6 13

If you were sitting at a bar, I could understand. If you were at a table and you got up to grab the food, then YDI.

Snap, crackle, and pop: The Gods of the Rice Universe...bad mistake to take their sacrifice


Was this a carry out order or a sit down. If it was a sit down they don't expect you to get up to get your food, that's why you tip. If it wasn't taken to your table it wasn't yours.

RealTalk0 7

Never mess with the rice buddy..

tpm45 25

The rice will snap crackle and pop your face... It's nothing personal - just Karma.

That's why you wait for the waitress to set your food in front of you...

Did you wait at all to see if she was coming back? It seems like she left the bowls and the other woman was there in a couple minutes. Did you shovel the rice in your mouth with your hands?

dontpanic_fml 32

I don't understand why you would think anything is for you that wasn't expressly given to you.

perdix 29

Shouldn't she bow down and worship you? If you ate her god, doesn't that make you an even more powerful god?

If the rice represented some sort of deity I don't think it would be custom to praise the man who turned it into poop.

perdix 29
ALyte 15

Ah yes, when Fry the Solid ruled in "My Three Suns"

I really don't understand this FML. Why would you assume they were for you if they weren't put right in front of you?

Soon your faeces will be part of that religious ceremony. No wonder she was upset.

Well for fried rice, I would say totally worth it. Either way that sucks :c

Risking damnation and torment over a bowl of fried rice? Overly superlative, miss.

Thank God it was just rice and not her bowl of pet maggots from the kitchen! Better watch your back Budda is gonna be after your ass now...