Ninjas are everywhere

By Nancy - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I came home and noticed that sometime while I was at school, someone had cut off half of my ponytail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 602
You deserved it 4 584

Top comments

I find it funnier that no one else noticed or said something...friends much?

hahaha find out who that was and have retribution!


dancelove09 3

Wait, how did u not feel it? And I'm sorry, that sucks. :/


If op is male, good. They make you look douchey and stupid. If op was a female, that sucks. Fyl

Psycho_Babydoll 26

That would suck so much.. But how did you not notice before? I would have noticed immediatley, I'd go apeshit if someone touched my hair. FYL

iBiteRoses 22

Misery Business video by Paramore.

mellingeramber 13

I would lose it if someone did that to me....but honestly, how did you not notice?