Nice try

By Ma.Sa.La. - 27/02/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I was walking through the mall with my boyfriend of a year and a half. There was sign outside of the jewelry store that said, "Engagement Rings - No interest for 12 months." I said, "Look, baby! No interest." He replied, "That's right… NO INTEREST." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 688
You deserved it 50 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

after 1.5 years thats enough time to make a decision to stay with somebody for the rest of your life? Thats lust not love...Find a guy that will marry in a year and you'll be getting a divorce even sooner.


holynemesis1208 3

@ #8 A year and a half is a blink of an eye for a relationship. I live next to an engagement ring store and I would never DREAM of saying that to my boyfriend of a year. You need mroe than a year sometimes to decide if you want to spend EVERY YEAR with the same person. It doesn't necessarily mean hes not into her dude, it means he isn't into getting married right then and there. Be more careful before you hand out such decisive advice like that.

@35 RIGHT ON! When I read yours I was like if i ever said something like that I would get the same response.

"I would want to know if marriage was in the cards we didn't get 5 years into it for him to decide I'm not the ONE." Holy crap, seriously? I feel bad for your boyfriends. Since you're so keen on giving out advice here is a bit for you: No one likes being given an ultimatum and if you told a boy he had to decide within a certain time frame to amrry you - well - i doubt anyone iwll ever ask you

I don't give ultimatums. They NEVER work, and I didn't have to give one to find that out. I'm just saying that she should figure out where things are going. If she finds out that he doesn't want to marry her EVER and hangs around, that's on her, and FYI, I've been asked TWICE, but thanks for playing.

mitch_fml 0

lol. I agree you walked right into that one.

im pretty sure he meant hes not ready for marriage just yet..... also i agree w/ 78 if a girl was pressuring me into marrying her... id keep putting it off. i want it to be a suprise

OP is way too sensitive. Who cares, he was just joking obviously...

Lol @ #61. That's assuming she'd agree.