Never engage with crazy

By fxck - 20/07/2012 22:45 - South Africa - Durban

Today, while walking home, I passed some guy loudly whining that foreign imports are destroying our economy, and that we should all be deported. When I pointed out that the mobile phone in his hand was clearly a Samsung, he turned bright red and punched me in the gut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 208
You deserved it 4 960

Same thing different taste


So do you often randomly respond to people not talking to you? Now you know what happens...

shawnaishere 14

Even though foreign imports may be killing the economy in many countries, it is a give and take. If your country is exporting as much as it is importing then there wouldn't be much of a problem.

FirebirdF350 7

This is utter bs, if this actually happened, firstly the person whining wad whining to someone amd thus would have been reluctant to assault somebody like that, second, if this op got up and didnt do anything, thats pathetic, so I say this is fake and op should get a real gut punch

FirebirdF350 7

And what do they even produce in south africa? I mean that seriously, I want to know

Your name is fxck? And how do you pronounce that?

unknown_user5566 26

I believe it's pronounced "fa-ix-cuh-k". I could be wrong, though. ;)

Fuzzymonkey2013 7

40- The fact the big-mouth had to resort to violence against Op in a Verbal discussion proves Op won, IMHO.

Rikki27 5
TheyCallMeDamien 17

That's called the bitter sting of hypocrisy.

CCDNRGD81411 3

You confronted a stranger you deserve it. If you want to do stuff like that be prepared for the consequences. Punching you was wrong but what did you think he would do when you said that? Have a conversation with you?

So what we should do is let these idiots spread their ignorance and idiocy and do nothing about it?