Nearly Spring

By Anonymous - 04/02/2022 13:59

Today, I only open my curtains in the morning so my plants won’t die. Me, I leave in the dark and return in the dark. The only time I see the sun in winter is during lunch breaks and weekends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 766
You deserved it 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Same issue with life as an enlisted sailor, show at work when it’s dark, leave when it’s dark. Mind you this location is in PNW. **** military life.

Work harder so you can get an office with a window. On nice sunny days, you'll be filled with regret and resentment that you can't be outside.


Work harder so you can get an office with a window. On nice sunny days, you'll be filled with regret and resentment that you can't be outside.

You should take a lesson from your plants.

Same issue with life as an enlisted sailor, show at work when it’s dark, leave when it’s dark. Mind you this location is in PNW. **** military life.

Marcella1016 31

Fake your death and take one of your plants’ place. Clearly, this is the only way.

Buy some of those sun lamps, you know, the lamps that imitate real sun light to improve your mood in winter. Put one or two in your office, three around your plants, and one over your kitchen sink. You'll feel so much better, and your plants too!