Meat is murder

By lanbon182 - 10/04/2009 05:11 - United States

Today, my fiancé's parents visited. I keep chickens for their eggs, and his parents own a farm, so we had a connection. They told us to leave the house while they cooked us dinner. When we returned, we faced two steaming plates of chicken. My chickens. They had names. FML
I agree, your life sucks 251 767
You deserved it 31 278

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awwwwww, that's so sad!!! Like they served you the family dog... So, did you tell them, or did you try to 'man up'?

That sucks bad! I would have burst out crying right in front of their eyes... I can't believe people are clicking YDI =/


edneddy84 0

Thats so sad :-( I had a pet chicken once but it was never eaten, it passed away on its own time. I send my condolences

it sounds like they stole your chickens

Agree with #21, plus no farmer would kill BOTH chickens when it's obvious from the coop you're using them for eggs.

I'm so sorry that happened to you :( I would be so pissed off if that happened to me. I would kick them out of my house and tell them never to return.. fiancee's parents or not, that's messed up =

ffpoisongirl 0

Even if you weren't a vegetarian and intended to eat them eventually, for all they knew you were saving them for a certain occasion. The fact that they slaughtered your chickens without asking was rude and inconsiderate. I hope you informed them of their error.

Okay, I'm lacto vegetarian. There are very good reasons to go vegetarian, why the people before me have made ignorant comments without checking the facts first I do not know. For everyone who made a derogatory comment about being vegetarian, you should know this: -it takes 100x more water to produce a pound of beef than it does a pound of wheat (this is because the cow must eat the wheat/grain product IN ADDITION TO the water that they drink straight) -third world countries are being overgrazed by livestock that companies pay/extort them into keeping, when they could have simply planted crops and had food -it's much better for the environment, as livestock produce CO2 emissions from their defecation and flatulation, not to mention that the cows need to be fed various plant growths that may or may not have used environmentally harming pesticides to be grown -a vegan's diet uses less water in one year than a meat-eaters diet does in one month -the livestock are often kept in inhumane conditions before being slaughtered, some never even seeing sunlight, and not having enough room to even turn around due to their "home" being filled with too many livestock to "save space and money" -it is actually cheaper to be vegetarian than it is to eat mat, meat costs more than tofu, beans, or any other "alternative" in the "meat and alternatives" food group -it has been proven that vegetarians live longer than meat eaters, approximately 5-8 years longer -a vegetarian's risk of contracting e.coli, getting heart disease, obesity, and diabetes is significantly lower than a meat eater's *information taken from "Revised and Updated; Becoming Vegetarian, the Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Vegetarian Diet" by Vesanto Melina, M.Sc., R.d. and Brenda Davis, R.D.* *R.D. is short-form for registered dietician. And if you really can't give up meat, AT LEAST buy organic, humanely treated meat to reduce your environmental impact and make the livestock's short life improve in quality. Being vegan is better for the environment and the animals than being vegetarian, however veganism is challenging and should be done in small increments so as to not abandon your goal of reaching no animal products in your diet whatsoever due to hardships. I am trying to go vegan gradually so as to not give up. It is going well so far. And to those who say it is unnatural to give up eating meat, it is even more unnatural what we humans are doing to this meat to make it readily available. Sure, back in "the good old days" it was perfectly natural to eat meat and unheard of to go vegetarian, but in this day and age where we are exploiting animals in terms of breeding for food, the conditions they are kept in, and the inhumane ways the livestock is slaughtered, it's more natural to go vegetarian. Thank you for reading this, and to the OP I am truly sorry for you.

Amphysvena 11

i fail to see how your diet is better for the environment. you're eating all the plants.

#91, good points, but you neglect to mention two things: 1) 76% of the earth's surface is covered with water 2) Meat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>veggies You also mention several times about CO2 emissions and what not coming from cows. Well, it's not like cows would go extinct if we stopped eating them. If we stopped eating them, they'd probably end up becoming even more prevalent. Unless you'd suggest slaughtering them without eating them, but that would just be silly, right?

You should visit them, then while they are out cook everything in their garden as your vegetarian revenge.