Love is love

By Anonymous - 19/05/2023 12:00

Today, my 21 year-old daughter sent me the longest, violent, most hateful text I've ever seen in my life. Apparently she opposes me marrying her best friend of 12 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 156
You deserved it 2 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm 🤔🧐 SO MUCH TO UNPACK !!! What did ya expect ya dumbass 🤦‍♂️🙄🤬 That's messed up on so many levels and you can't even see why. Stop thinking with your little brain and maybe you can salvage your relationship with your daughter otherwise you are sacrificing it for a piece of ass. and this FML should be for your daughter about how she's losing a parent and her best friend of 12 years 😡 you need some serious help on the psychological level 🤮

So, doing the math, your daughter has been friends with this person since she was 9 years old. There are so many ways this can be ****** up. In any case, you don't deserve a violent text -- you deserve some good old-fashion IRL violence.


Ummm 🤔🧐 SO MUCH TO UNPACK !!! What did ya expect ya dumbass 🤦‍♂️🙄🤬 That's messed up on so many levels and you can't even see why. Stop thinking with your little brain and maybe you can salvage your relationship with your daughter otherwise you are sacrificing it for a piece of ass. and this FML should be for your daughter about how she's losing a parent and her best friend of 12 years 😡 you need some serious help on the psychological level 🤮

I would make a better comment, but every time I attempt, it turns into an attack, and I really do not want to be suspended/banned. To be safe, I’ll simply say “you need to reevaluate your life”. You don’t deserve your daughter in your life

So, doing the math, your daughter has been friends with this person since she was 9 years old. There are so many ways this can be ****** up. In any case, you don't deserve a violent text -- you deserve some good old-fashion IRL violence.

so, for about the second time in about 10 yrs I actually agree with you.

Normally I would say don’t let your children be in charge of your love life and marriage… But this is a weird case, OP plans to marry their daughter’s long time best friend. That’s weird, to say the least. I had an uncle who after he divorced his wife started dating and eventually married his youngest daughter’s best friend. His daughter, my cousin, was not at all happy about that. In the first place she felt she was losing her best friend, and in the second place it felt weird that Dad had the hots for someone her age. The good news, was the marriage lasted a lot longer than many in the family expected until eventually my uncle died. And I guess my cousin eventually came to accept the situation or at least she acted that way. But it took a long time… OP, you are an adult and I assume your intended is likewise an adult and you are both capable of making your own choices. But this won’t go down easy with your daughter. If my uncle’s case repeats itself, eventually your daughter will likely accept the situation but it will always be a stain.

Unless I'm mistaken and the site does it at random, OP took the time to say their gender was female.

You’re the person here trying to marry someone less than half your age. You don’t get to claim moral high ground.

The age gap doesn't bother me much, love is love. Rare to see a woman going for it though. No, what's creepy is the whole thing about having known the friend since they were 9, and have probably been there throughout the friend's childhood and have seen them grow up. It just feels too predatory and groomy for me.

Tisinlovewithme 2

excuse me???? wtf is wrong with you, you deserve the worst shit happening to you wtf ******* predator ew

I don’t know a damn thing about your situation, and it’s not my place to judge. Don’t know what’s up with the rest of these pricks. Assuming you’re both legal age and have a healthy relationship, I don’t think you’ve done anything wrong, per se. But understand how this could be awkward and uncomfortable for your daughter. Maybe the three of you can get together and talk it out. And being that it’s had this impact, do take some time to reflect and consider whether the relationship is healthy and solid. Like I said, I don’t know your situation, but this looks like it’s going to be a pivotal decision, so consider it and all of its ramifications carefully.

wtf is WRONG with you? your daughter is losing her best friend and you've been grooming your fiancee since they were 9. you're a predator and yes this whole situation is a problem! don't expect to ever have your daughter back

I'm surprised the community is so agitated about this. They're both adults who deserve love and found each other, and somehow that's a problem because the new partner is/was friends with the daughter. Not everyone is going to fit into whatever preconceived notion of you have for what a relationship looks like.