
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to a party with a friend. All I remember is passing out on the couch. About 10 minutes ago, I was woken up by a bucket of cold water and thrown out by the guy who lives there. I'm still dripping and very cold, and I have no idea where the hell I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 949
You deserved it 8 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can you not call your friend who brought you to the party and have them bring you home?

aidenmccarthy03 8

Use google maps on your phone. Or just call your friend


can you not call your friend who brought you to the party and have them bring you home?

aidenmccarthy03 8

Use google maps on your phone. Or just call your friend

So you spend your time writing an fml. Clutch

So the first thing you do is go on FML...

Why is there always a comment like this? The FML was probably written this way to make it more interesting. He probably figured out a way home before submitting.

Well that couch is probably now ruined.

Call a cab or hitch hike, that's your best option

Hitch hiking is a terrible idea. Calling a friend or a cab would be safest.

I agree hitchhiking is a bad idea. Especially being hungover because we live in a world where people will try to take advantage of others. In this case, sexually.

The only way I recommend hitchhiking is if you're dressed as a ghost or have on a dirty white dress or something.

I don't see how this isn't op's fault. If you drink to the point of passing out, then you're basically asking for people to screw with you. Unfortunately there are stupid people, and at a party with alcohol there are a lot of them. Keep your wits about you in those kinds of situations. Not to mention that you're also responsible for all of the stupid things you do before you pass out, seeing as people that drink to that point usually don't remember what they've done. And they often do stupid things to themselves & others. People need to drink more responsibly. Know your limit. Or stop drinking entirely.

MrZsDad 19

It was a party. This was supposed to happen. Usually it is best to happen to someone else, though. lol.

Unfortunately, #9, you're always 'someone else' TO someone else.

Especially the drunks at a party that are too drunk to care what happens to anyone else.

justanotherday7 7

What a dick. I hope you brought a friend with you or you can call someone to get you home safely