Know your equipment

By Angelica Zoe - 13/06/2021 21:59

Today, while playing a game of Cards Against Humanity, I had to explain to 3 grown men that there is NOT an actual bone in their dicks. It's mostly vascular tissue that swells and becomes rigid, and a broken dick is when they pop one of the two main vascular tubes, which can cause many severe problems. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 156
You deserved it 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ya and pee isn't stored in the balls. nice try woman, I know my own body.

Where did they think the bone goes when it's limp???


ya and pee isn't stored in the balls. nice try woman, I know my own body.

ojoRojo 27

I like how you go in to explain it to all of us as well haha

Where did they think the bone goes when it's limp???

Those guys are morons and to KFCchicken, if you think urine is stored in your balls then you're as dumb as a box of rocks

i was referencing a pretty well known meme look it up, but thank you for the insult.

Playing stupid while stroking a woman's ego to explain how an erection works would be entertaining for a bit.