
By blondebarbie271 - 26/07/2015 23:55 - United States - Center Barnstead

Today, I had to bail my ex-husband out of jail. He didn't want his new wife to get mad at him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 343
You deserved it 14 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you did this why? Doesn't seem like your problem to me.

Your ex needs to grow a pair. If his wife finds out on her own she'll be a lot more mad than if he just told her


It makes me curious what he did to get in jail to begin with...

You didn't "have" to bail him out of jail YDI should have let him deal with the problem himself

Why did you have to? You didn't have to do anything.

you most certainly did not have to bail him out...

Please explain why you had to. Are you still really good friends? Did you owe him a big favour? Does he have some bad dirt on you on blackmailed you?

OP, you didnt HAVE to bail him out. I would have let him stay there if he was an EX. Therefore if you didnt have to bail him out, you wanted to, otherwise you wouldn't have. Life choices OP, life choices. YDI.

"Accidentally" reveal what happened to his new wife in the form of casual conversation.

Why would you do that, his wife will be pissed at you both. Well, I guess we know who wears the pants in his family now.

Let his new wife get mad at him. He's her problem, not yours. I know if my mom did that for my dad, I would call her an idiot. Seriously. YDI.