It's called being a wage slave

By Anonymous - 10/03/2021 11:01

Today, my new boyfriend told me he has no interest in being a dad, never has, never will, so the first time I ask him for any sort of help with my son he’s out the door. I'd dump his ass, but my mum just died so I have nowhere to go, and literally cannot afford both rent and food without his wage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 132
You deserved it 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, from what I understand, he is not your kid's dad, so he has no obligation to take care of him. Especially if he has made it clear from the beginning that he does not want to be a dad and it's something you were aware since the beginning of the relationship. I am not sure what you expected? When childfree people say they don't want to take care of kids, they don't and you shouldn't assume you'll be able to change their mind. So grin and bear it from now, especially since you rely on his wage.

I had to select you deserve it because you refer to him as a new boyfriend. How were you surviving before him? I can only hope you have other family members you can reach out to for help.


Well, from what I understand, he is not your kid's dad, so he has no obligation to take care of him. Especially if he has made it clear from the beginning that he does not want to be a dad and it's something you were aware since the beginning of the relationship. I am not sure what you expected? When childfree people say they don't want to take care of kids, they don't and you shouldn't assume you'll be able to change their mind. So grin and bear it from now, especially since you rely on his wage.

and he's your NEW boyfriend.. as u specified

I had to select you deserve it because you refer to him as a new boyfriend. How were you surviving before him? I can only hope you have other family members you can reach out to for help.

It says OP's mom just died, so while the BF may be new, the mothers death could be even more recent and that was her previous home. OP did enter the relationship knowing her BF doesn't want/like kids though, so she cannot be upset if he is willing to leave her if she asks for help with him. Hopefully, she can find a way out or help from someone else.

How was this topic not discussed about before you moved in with him?

hello! I was scrolling down and my finger accidently hit report on your comment. it also didn't prompt a confirmation before sending the report. I apologize for the inconvenience.

There are options for single mothers and their kids. Look it up!

How new is this boyfriend? You don't have any other family or friends

DixieNormous 3

You gotta end it. that's not healthy for your son and you shouldn't rely on someone else for money, gotta do it yourself.

virus 3

So you're literally using him for his money and expect someone else to take care of your life