
By Anonymous - 06/06/2011 14:18

Today, I ran into an old high school friend while out with my husband. When she inquired who I was married to, I pointed to my husband, who was looking at shirts. She laughed and said, "No really?", insinuating that I couldn't get anyone that good looking. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 197
You deserved it 4 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Jake_2013 0
dianadoll 23

Jealous:) maybe she just meant that you were to pretty for him..


satansdaughter90 0

well at least that's all the bitch said :)

My mistake @geeksaresexy that was meant for the danny dude. My apologies.

You landed a hottie. Celebrate! She was probably just looking for something mean to say and that was the worst she could come up with because she didn't know what else to say.

Wait! I take that back! Direct that too both of them. really i spend ages checking and double checking to stilll make a mistake o.e

Well, she was an old friend. Maybe she was joking around like friends do

twilightdogstar 1

This isn't a YDI *or* an FML. What's the issue? You clearly *could* get someone that attractive, so who cares what someone you used to know and haven't seen in years (or at any rate aren't close enough that she knows who your husband is) thinks?

well, you proved her wrong!! now love with all your might!

Missmatched2 0

And does she have a husband? Probably not, enough said.