Big bastard boss

By noporn4u - 03/10/2020 19:01 - United States - Kaukauna

Today, my time off request was rejected, and my boss promptly took the day off himself, claiming he has people coming to work on his house. We work from home. The day in question is my 5-year wedding anniversary. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 332
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If a job isn’t able to realize that you have a life BEYOND the company and they fire you then what have you REALLY lost? Your life memories will be remembered lots longer than what job you had in the year 2020. Life events are LOTS more important than making company memories.


If a job isn’t able to realize that you have a life BEYOND the company and they fire you then what have you REALLY lost? Your life memories will be remembered lots longer than what job you had in the year 2020. Life events are LOTS more important than making company memories.

Orange_Estates 6

Yep, that sucks. Good luck for when you do get a break for your anniversary. Also, Happy Anniversary!