i'm doing FINE

By tammy999 - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend bumped into me at McDonald's. I was sitting alone at a table with a Big Mac, two large fries, a large drink, and one case of chicken nuggets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 319
You deserved it 37 797


MeganRenea 0

Okay firstly, let me say this to all the people out there calling her a fattie: even if she was eating all that by herself, that doesn't make her a fattie. Let me educate you a little. Some people have what's called a HIGH METABOLISM, which really isn't that uncommon. So stop judging her if you don't know her. Personally, I LOVE food. I eat all the time, and I never gain any weight. I could eat a meal like this if I was hungry and think nothing of it. As for you OP, don't worry about your ex boyfriend and his new girl. Who cares what they think. Stop letting him get to you. Trust me honey, he isn't worth the time.

@114, precisely my point. all these people on here are assuming she's a beast because she's eating more than just a meal at McDonalds. No one knows how much she weighs therefore, the people calling her fat should just shut up. I'm not overweight or fat, but I'm also not underweight. I'm the proverbial perfect weight for my height and I know that I couldn't eat that much now, but maybe when I was younger I could've packed that meal down. If she's a younger girl who has a high metabolism, it can definitely be done. I have a friend that has to be less than 100 lbs who could eat that and probably stop off at Burger King on the way home and still only weigh less than 100 lbs. She's little and has a really high metabolism. I also have a friend with a thyroid problem that doesn't allow her to put on weight if she eats that much. So the fact that we have no idea what this girl looks like should make the people calling her fat, stop. And, just because not many people think about this, that's how girls get EATING DISORDERS. When people consistently call them fat, they begin to see themselves as fat and have that distorted body image and either quit eating altogether or start getting rid of their food right after they eat it. And on that note, how do you know she doesn't already have one. Because, that does seem like a bit more food than I know I could eat, maybe that's a binge. or she's depressed. I know people who eat their feelings a lot. It's a way to cope.

oh shit i just thought how unfunny it is if you're really fat. like REALLY FAT. Like huge, jiggly tights n stuff. and and all those love handles and and you know... double chins! yeah right, those r nasty like shit so im sorry :(

breyahna12397 0

I agree with #34. #12 is a Jack ass

UziTopete 0

to #105 so what! plus I'm a guy. and what does intelligence have to do with gettin laid...you must be ugly and live alone.. and your best friend is probably a cat...

lalalalifesucks 0

oh myyy god that sounds sooo gooood =P~ but srsly how do you eat that much !?!?! O_O xD