Hogs gone wild

By NotoriousSRJ - 28/01/2011 15:43 - Canada

Today, I got pulled over by a cop. Since my window wasn't working, I opened the door, causing him to run towards me with a drawn gun. He then had a go at me with his night stick. After realizing my window was broken, he laughed and let me off with a warning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 288
You deserved it 4 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where I'm from, you would have been tasered, shot, body cavity searched, beaten, shot, fined for the broken window, laughed at, shot, and arrested for resisting arrest.

see the problem with gun control Is that bad people don't really obey the rules so then u have a whole bunch of armed criminals running around and decent people have no way to defend themselves


cops are trained to do that automatically when someone opens the door when they get pulled over. they are trained to assume you have a gun. it's your dumb ass fault for not just waiting until he hot up to your window to tell him

I agree with everything there exept for one thing. and that is that cops turn on there lights to run redlights, while some cops do do this, most get a call to somthing and by the time they go through the red light they are informed that someone else is already there

it also doesn't prevent criminals from having them, they are going to get them anyway so, why is it wrong for a citizen to have a AR-15 in there house?

rldostie 19

84--yeah, New York's crime rate dropped after Gulliani allowed police officers off the hook for shooting criminals. Scared the crap out of a good deal of criminals when it became obvious the police officers had no problem shooting them. Personally, I see nothing wrong with that. You forgo your personal and even human rights when you're in the process of a crime. Don't want to be shot? Don't commit a crime. Seemed to work for New York City.

I've heard this somewhere before and kinda liked it: Aiming is gun control. Can't remember where I heard it though.

DUMBASS. You NEVER EVER get out of a car after being pulled over by the police. Let him come up, mention your window is broke, and have him go around to the window that isn't broken. YDI

kiakia0131 23

Ok, you are supposed to wait in the car with the door closed then when he approaches explain that your window is broken...DUH.