Hit the gym

By Anonymous - 02/03/2013 03:17 - United States - Cedar Rapids

Today, after months of my doctor telling me that my heart palpitations are simply due to anxiety, and that I'm perfectly healthy, I decided to weight train to face my fears. Two hours later, I was in the emergency room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 530
You deserved it 3 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

californiapoppy 11

You have to listen to your body, get a second opinion before you push yourself too hard next time


tralala453 22

I don't really understand this FML, does OP mean he ended up in the emergency room because of his anxiety or there actually did turn out to be something wrong?

disGRUNTled123 2
perdix 29

Sounds like your doctor is a . . . *lowers sunglasses* dumbbell.

Never take heart palpations lightly. I do hope you get better soon.

perdix 29

In weight-lifting, "no pain, no gain." Therefore, "heart attack" means "you're gonna get huge and ultra-ripped in days, dude." Keep it up, bro.

OP: What...what happen? Doctor: You entered the weight room and slipped on an ice cube.

disGRUNTled123 2

Natural selection at it's finest

disGRUNTled123 2

At least he's told you now love, while you can still get the marriage annulled and there's not an unwanted child on the way/here. My ex husband knew I wanted children when we married, we discussed the best time to start trying after the honeymoon and started trying a year into our marriage, It took 2 years for me to conceive. When I was 8 months pregnant he confessed that he didn't want children afterall. He now has a beautiful 2 year old girl that he rarely sees. I know it's heart breaking to find out the person you wanted to share your future with lied to you about the future they wanted, but it really is best to find out shortly after the marriage. FYL though hun, and good luck with whatever you chose to do. xx

****! wrong fml! I can't delete on my phone, just bury it.