Hey lady! Chill!

By Anonymous - 25/08/2011 21:17 - United States

Today, I was out shopping when an old lady bumped into me and dropped her purse. Trying to help, I bent over to pick it up, at which point she battered the shit out of me, called me a "filthy thief" and threatened to open an umbrella in my ass. What the fuck has the world come to? FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 380
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP did ask him/herself that; along with everyone on fml, in the form of a rhetorical question.


Badab1ng 5

In my day we didn't need those sentence enhancers. All we needed was some moonshine and a pees in a can pie to have a good night.

thissucksfmll 0

Sounds like something my grandma would do

JPLovesAnimals 4

Don't you know not to wear black and a ski mask?? You WILL give away bad signs. Unless of course you wanted to.

Sounds like my grandma. She woulda beat your ass.

Should have kicked her bag further. Crazy old lady

lovelife9 12

Reminds me of the time when I saw a blackberry phone in a public bathroom stall and the lady asked for it back when I got out of the stall and I had it in my bag, and she was also talking in sign language.

Sue here what's she's worth for battering the shit out of you cause you know old people has money

They don't have money they just spend the little that they have on their grand kids. And it looks like they have money...but they don't...pension paychecks aren't that great.