Healthy relationship

By scared - 24/06/2020 23:02

Today, I yelled at my girlfriend for something trivial. Instead of yelling back, she was scarily calm and said, "Remember, I’ve got 50 lbs on you. Yell at me again and I’ll lay a pillow on your face and sit on it until you’re dead." I think she might mean it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 2 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you yell at someone you should care about over something trivial you should probably apologize and work towards bettering yourself so you dont continue this toxic behaviour. She sounds like she has the right idea but she should just leave you if your behaviour continues. Murder shouldn't be on the table yet.

ojoRojo 27

“Today, I yelled at my girlfriend for something trivial” = YDI.


If you yell at someone you should care about over something trivial you should probably apologize and work towards bettering yourself so you dont continue this toxic behaviour. She sounds like she has the right idea but she should just leave you if your behaviour continues. Murder shouldn't be on the table yet.

ojoRojo 27

“Today, I yelled at my girlfriend for something trivial” = YDI.

bloopaloop 27

She doesn’t need the pillow. Her FUPA will work just fine.

If she uses a pillow, she'll get charged with murder. If she sits her naked body on your face, it'll look like the best possible way to exit this mortal coil!

if your dick doesn't reach your belly button, lower your voice. ydi

tounces7 27
brenniman 10

And THAT is precisely why we should never date women who out weigh us by 50 pounds.

Actually statistically marriages are more likely to end in divorce if the women weighs more than the man.

I’m probably going to get downvoted for what I’m about to say, but I’m going to say it anyway. If you truly believe that she means it, run! It doesn’t matter that you yelled. It doesn’t matter that she’s a woman and you’re a man. Physical abuse is physical abuse. Imagine if a man told his girlfriend that he was going to suffocate her to death—he would be CANCELLED.

How about not yelling abut trivial things? Are you 13 years old?

Maybe you shouldn't yell at her for trivial stuff. Don't be a dick.