By idaaan - 31/10/2018 03:00 - Sweden - Karlstad

Today, when I came home, my dildo was placed in the middle of the bed. I last put it in my drawer. I only live with my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 617
You deserved it 442

Top comments

Guess the drawer hiding place was a dildon't

Sounds like your dad needs his own *****. It's only a couple months before Christmas, so get shopping.


Guess the drawer hiding place was a dildon't

Sounds like your dad needs his own *****. It's only a couple months before Christmas, so get shopping.

PenguinPal3017 19

Does your dad have a good sense of humour? I can't imagine any other reason to do this.

Your dad is just letting you know that he knows what you’ve been doing in your spare time.

Put on a hazmat suit, get some blacksmith tongs, grab the ***** off the bed, take it to the landfill, throw away the tongs and the suit. Take a long shower and never speak of this again.

Why was he going through your things? If you're an adult, your life sucks because he should be snooping through your drawers. If you're a minor, you deserved it because sex toys are for adults, not teens.

Honestly, I would rather my teenager use sex toys than have unsafe sex. Sex toys cant give diseases, or get you pregnant.

Though it is safer, it's not exactly appropriate either.

Just here for the prize 8

So a teenager isn't allowed to have sexual release, but am adult can because they're over 18? Body chemistry doesn't work like that.

Teenagers have sex all the time. Regardless if you think it's appropriate or not. Again, in my opinion, sex toys are the better option.

i dont see why people shame teens for having sex toys, adults arent the only ones who masterbait.

Sex toys are a bit more taboo and not appropriate for teens. That's also why most adult stores (at least where I'm from) require the buyer be 18 or older.


Prepare yourself for a talking to or incest.

whiskey'swino 15

If self sex is the only safe sex then Dad should be proud of you. His weird odd (and extremely inappropriate) way of telling you was leaving your "boyfriend" on the bed. Maybe?