Hang in there

By Anonymous - 07/04/2024 14:00 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I realized I’m so often high that being sober no longer feels "normal" to me. I don’t know any other way to cope with my emotions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 197
You deserved it 533

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Weed evens me out too. I only take it in the evening, so it’s hard to find a way to even yourself out without it. I suggest meditating.

Never Let Go 15

the first step to solving the problem is to admit you have one. You've got the first step down OP. There is help out there. Even just by calling that addiction number on Google


Weed evens me out too. I only take it in the evening, so it’s hard to find a way to even yourself out without it. I suggest meditating.

Never Let Go 15

the first step to solving the problem is to admit you have one. You've got the first step down OP. There is help out there. Even just by calling that addiction number on Google