Great, thanks, I hate you

By Anonymous - 08/09/2010 18:09 - Greece

Today, my family and I attended a pool party. I never learned to swim, so I didn't bring a suit. When someone asked why I wasn't in the pool, my sister replied in a loud voice, "She's on her period and didn't want the pool to get dirty!" Thanks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 236
You deserved it 4 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aww. :/ I'm not trying to be mean by saying this, but you should probably take some swimming lessons. It'll help, I promise!

omfgrofl1337 0


You're just mad because you lost. Maybe you'll get first next time. Suck it up.

bandgeek_bri 0

wow! that's horrible that's something my sus wud do unfortuneatly

BrookeBabe92 0

Haha, your sister is awesome. (:

lovesteph3523 0

wow. your sister sounds annoying

lovesteph3523 0
lovesteph3523 0

I dont care what you say. At least i have a picture, unlike you.

DisappearingRose 18

my sister is a bitch too. I hate her

Xavi89 0

hahaha little sister always have an epic quote!

how hard is it to learn how to swim. my daughter just Learned and she turns three tomorrow. maybe if you got off your ass and did some physical activity you might learn something.