By so not funny! - 28/06/2022 05:00 - United States

Today, my husband and I, as well as our two oldest kids, have dark hair. Our youngest came out with very blonde hair, like my older brother's. My husband insists on calling the baby our little “golden-haired Lannister”, no matter how many times I’ve asked him to stop. He thinks it’s hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 802
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I knew anything about Game of Thrones, it's possible that this could be hilarious. At least he is not accusing you of cheating with a blondie. Or incest.

The trollish Pencil has a point. "Golden-haired Lannister" = "Incest Baby."


If I knew anything about Game of Thrones, it's possible that this could be hilarious. At least he is not accusing you of cheating with a blondie. Or incest.

The trollish Pencil has a point. "Golden-haired Lannister" = "Incest Baby."

In the first book of the series, you’ve got King Robert Baratheon, with black hair, married to Queen Cercei Baratheon née Lannister, who’s got blond hair. Their children all have the Lannister blond hair, and a major reveal near the end of the book is that in all recorded marriages between a Baratheon and a Lannister, the kids had the Baratheon black hair, leading to the reveal that Cercei’s kids are not Robert’s but the result of her incestuous relationship with her twin brother.

Hahahahahahahahaha! Stop! You're killing me! This is hilarious! Hahahahahahahahaha!

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

This is awful and gross.... but I also cackled (sorry 😅)

If it makes you feel any better, the kid’s hair is likely to darken over time and will not be “golden-haired” forever.