Goodbye squared

By Lyingboyfriend - 24/07/2009 05:11 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend said he couldn't come to my grandfather's funeral because he was at his cottage and couldn't make it. Later that day, when driving home from the graveyard I saw him walking down the street, with another girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 091
You deserved it 3 346

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tiffany_xx 0

Hope your not still with him he is a ass of a boyfriend if he wasnt there to support you at your grandpa's funeral. and to see him with another girl is just sad.



Have you thought that maybe he "pitches" not "catches" ;-)

generalsmith2 0

he has the sound of a taker

jazziness 12
star_ver 0

I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to go to someone else's grandpa's funeral either. I don't like funerals and attending one of someone I didn't know would be awkward.

mcsnelly 5

If he was her boyfriend, don't you think there's a big possibility that he DID meet the OP's grandfather??

Agreed, 64. Also, if he really felt that way about going, he could've talked to her about it instead of lying.

Looks like we got another **** in da house

no_life_fo_sho 0

aww i'm sorry, what a jackass

this exact same thing actually happened to me, haha dump his ass!

XDNLxtlz99 0

I'm too lazy to read all the posts, so this coudl've been said already: The op said the boyfriend was walking down the street with ANOTHER girl, meaning a girl OTHER then the op. So, if the op was a BOY wouldn't he have said 'down the street with a girl'?? I think she just either forgot to change the 'boy or girl' selection from 'boy' to 'girl'. A few people seemed to have been doing that recently.

onealhart54 0

maybe you were too far and it wasn't here