
By kbrider - 02/07/2009 20:37 - United States

Today, my husband's rich aunt and uncle came in town and handed us an envelope and said we hope this helps out with the student loans. Inside the envelope was just an article on new student loan procedures and how to get lower payments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 235
You deserved it 9 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They don't exactly owe you ANYthing, so not really a FML.

classic! just bc u have a rich relative doesnt mean you can expect money from them!


illgutcha 0

LOL, sounds like my family!

deliapearl 0

so since they are rich, they can pay your loans, buy you a vacation home, buy you a couple of cars, set up a trust fund for your kids. how do you even know they're rich? more money, more bills, more greedy relatives

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Um...YDI for thinking other people who are only related to you by marriage in any way shape or form should give you their money.

Yep, YDI. Read the article and quit expecting hand-outs.

YDI for expecting money... who cares if you got an envelope without money god damn. that's not the only things in envelopes so quit complaining. and anyways isn't that what your graduation money is supposed to help with? they were just trying to help what's the big deal they probably figured that you don't have them payed off yet so instead of being a SELFISH BITCH you should be THANKING them for the help. why do people have to be so STUPID and expect stuff from there rich realitives... you don't see me posting a fml for getting a graduation card from my doctor without any money expecting to get some cause he's my doctor and has a lot of money so get over it. LIFES NOT FAIR deal with it

xtremelifter 0

They are giving you a long term solution so you can figure out how to get out of this jam yourself, not with them giving out handouts and you two not learn anything.

weird, must not be a lot of college students on here. i think it's a FYL, and i think if you have money you share with your family. family is the most important, that's just how i was taught.

You shudnt have expected anything, but I can see y u did. For graduation my rich aunt and uncle with a bigass house they built from scratch gave me a 15$ iTunes card :p