
By theuglyone - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Canada - Port Perry

Today, I was told that I looked like a Kardashian by a total stranger. Flattered, I asked which one. His response? "I don't know, the ugly one." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 511
You deserved it 6 038

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you be flattered to be associated with them in the first place?

You should have asked him to be more specific. They're all the ugly one.


oj101 33

If its any consolation, Khloe also has the greatest personality of them all.

I have seen the show (because my sister forced me to watch ten minutes before I had to "use the bathroom" and fled the room.) Khloe looks like she cannot stand her sisters and wants to be shot. Most of her expressions resemble an animal in pain.

elikaas 10

Don't listen to the negativity people tell you. Because that was really rude and uncalled for, that person is trying to be an asshole to someone on purpose.

why is this an fml? even the ugliest one isnt that bad. he said she looks like them, not personality wise. i personally would take it as a compliment, cause you dont know which one he was referring to

I would take it more as an insult to even be associated with them, to be honest.

I would rather be a spoon head in this instance. They can be quite sexy.

skullofdarkness 18

I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who thought of the Cardassians when reading this FML. Good to know I'm not alone here. :)

I have never known how the kardashian became famous or why they are famous.

Like Paris, they are famous for being famous.

Well.. Kim became famous by being a **** star. I'm not sure about the rest, perhaps they just leached off Kim's ill-earned fame?

addioty 19

Actually, their father was a famous lawyer in the OJ case. Their step-dad is famous for many things and obviously Kim made a porno with Ray J.

ghil15 8

or he meant to say those bobies...

Aw :c I'm sorry OP. Forget what was said to you. I'm sure you're beautiful ^_^ I believe that there is at least one beautiful quality about everyone, whether it be inside or out. If that beautiful quality of yours is on the inside, that just makes you even more beautiful than a person with only beautiful qualities on the outside.

You were flattered to be compared to those useless attention seeking idiots???