Family Matters

By MeLandes - 28/06/2021 14:01 - United States - Germantown

Today, I found out I will always come in second to my new husband's alcoholic parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 922
You deserved it 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Set a boundary and expectations. If he can't make you the priority, get out.

He sounds codependent, see if he'll go to Al-Anon (it's for those affected by loved ones' alcoholism)


Set a boundary and expectations. If he can't make you the priority, get out.

You can tell him his parents are adults and he can't keep enabling them, that you should be his priority now. Hopefully he will listen to you but if not, time for an annulment/divorce.

OopsieDoopsie 14

What gives you the right to demand priority over his parents?

Ambrily 27

The fact that they are married and hopefully trying to build a future together. Also, him enabling his parents is not like he's helping, he's doing the opposite. He will likely lose them to alcohol and the spouse due to neglect.

He sounds codependent, see if he'll go to Al-Anon (it's for those affected by loved ones' alcoholism)

try marriage counseling. if that doesn't work, then bye bye. good luck