Family extension

By now what - 26/07/2020 05:01

Today, I ran into a friend that I hadn't seen in about 5 years. She had her 4-year-old son with her. I couldn’t help but notice her son looked almost identical to mine. He even had a very distinct facial feature that my husband has as well. What are the odds all three of them have the same defect? FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 477
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jojimugo 20

Should I tell her or just mind my own business?

It’s difficult I’d just as to see if they were a thing back n the day


jojimugo 20

Should I tell her or just mind my own business?

You're father-in-law must be a DILF even with his facial deformity.

honestly? the odds are pretty high. please remmber that the kids looking alike is pretty unlikely in general even if he WAS the father to both, so basically your question is :" what are the odds some kid would have the same facial deformity as my husband "(since your kid has it due to your hubby, so they aren't uncorrelated events). Hardly evidence of infidelity if you ask me.

Tf do you mean siblings don’t look alike? There’s a thing called dominant genetics, if his traits happen to be dominant they’re very likely to look similar. Also, genetic defects can be rather unique.

It’s difficult I’d just as to see if they were a thing back n the day

Back in the day? Bruh the child’s four and this wouldn’t be a question if she wasn’t with her husband 5 years ago.

I'm feeling like you're just looking for trouble.

"Defect"? Wow, you must be a real class act.

KingAdrock 16

We need more info for this to be a FML. A big question is: how long have you been married? The chance he has another child is one thing, him having another child because he cheated on you is world's different.