Drip drip drip

By ewww - 03/04/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, I used the community vacuum to clean my dorm. When spots started appearing on the floor, I assumed it was leaking water. By the time I finished there were tons of wet spots on the floor. Later I found out that someone had just used that very vacuum to suck up vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 254
You deserved it 5 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Eww. Though in college I wouldn't be surprised if it was used to pump someones stomach. Though still, could be worse. I knew someone who tried to use a hoover to clean up after someone shat themselves in the hall. And then he put the hoover back in the cupboard!


Ewww, lawd, that is nasty. People need to learn proper cleaning techniques for various substances... vacuums are not meant to suck up such wet stuff... ugh.

This is one of the few recent FML's that I actually think is worth posting on here. It's not something stupid. It's actually bad for you. I say to get revenge you should vomit or defecate on their pillow and then put the pillow case back on. Then they lay down and rest their head on it. It's less mean then letting them get in in their hair.

Poor poor Henry. He doesn't deserve that.

theoldGP 0

that's really gross. nastyyyy. really sucks dude

Why_Me77 0

Oh dorm life...Gotta love it... ahahaha XD