
By grlzze444 - 16/11/2010 00:19 - United States

Today, my swim coach had me swim a 400 meter freestyle. Feeling a little sick near the end, I lifted my head to breathe, then burped, and threw up violently all in the pool. All my team mates screamed horrified running out of the pool, and now they have to drain it. I was told not to come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 475
You deserved it 4 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hmmm.....I can't really tell who's at fault here. Sure, the darling felt sick, but if the coach wouldn't let them stop....hmmm.... this is one where I just cannot vote on it without more details.

Back in my day the warm ups were over 9000! And that was upstream both ways including a 40 foot waterfall in -30 degree weather. Let me tell you, you young people have it easy! I'd like to see you swimming through a layer of ice. I'll not even mention fighting off the piranha and crocodiles!


skatack 0

Anyone who thinks that waiting half an hour after eating is anything more than an old wives' tale has obviously never swam competitively. If you hadn't puked on a full stomach, you probably would have fainted on an empty one. The real problem is that you were not conditioned enough--or didn't have the discipline to set the right pace--for a race of that distance. Shame on your coach for pushing you to do something you clearly weren't ready for yet.

that's not fair its not your fault you were sick that really sucks

88FML88 0

400 meters!!! weak!!! I don't even swim anymore but I can do better!

Yeah if that had happened to me I'd be too embarrassed to go back again anyway...

trisha13ily 0

yucky for life gaurding class we had to be timed for 500 meters and i didnt even feel like having to gag i mean i was tired at the end but not sick maybe you swallowed too much water

lollipops123 0

dude I know how u feel. I'm a swimmer too and one time my coach made me and my friend do a set with no fins that everyone else dis with and we felt nauseous at the end and we both barfed we both got kicked off the team

I feel your pain. We had this award thing called mock awards, and my coach got me paper lunch bags because I threw up all in the gutter. I've been labled typhoid mary.

Asoman 3

I hate the 400, I had to do a 500 at most of our meets.

peachezthelette 22

Eh that happened to me in a hotel pool in Joplin, Missouri. I was having a mingraine though. But after I calmed down I went to try again & the pool was closed down due to someone barfing. Its the humidity in those rooms or something! FYL totally!