Double trouble

By HipstrCharizard - 07/11/2020 23:02 - United States - Nobleboro

Today, I found out I might have Covid due to my manager's roommate getting it by being irresponsible. Two days ago, I found out I may have hep A from getting takeout at a restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 064
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The COVID sucks. As for Hep A I really hope you are vaccinated, which would cut your risk significantly. I also wouldn’t my want to go to that restaurant in the future.

coius 23

As far as the Hep A, talk to a lawyer and file a complaint with the local agency that inspects and licenses restaurants. I got e. coli after a restraunt refused to pay to fix their drain issues and had sewer water coming back up into their dishwashing sink. I was so sick I threw up bile from my small intestines. Hep A is worse as it means they hired someone that shouldn’t be working in a kitchen, let alone a food place. Hep A is only transferred via food when a business doesnt do health checks, background checks, and usually negligence as well. The lawyer may be able to get them to cover medical costs at least, but some states have statutes and getting it on record also helps pinpoint from start leaving no doubt of how you acquired it when you go to trial (sometimes up to 4 years) later.


The COVID sucks. As for Hep A I really hope you are vaccinated, which would cut your risk significantly. I also wouldn’t my want to go to that restaurant in the future.

Avoid your FWB, with your luck you might catch The Feels.

coius 23

As far as the Hep A, talk to a lawyer and file a complaint with the local agency that inspects and licenses restaurants. I got e. coli after a restraunt refused to pay to fix their drain issues and had sewer water coming back up into their dishwashing sink. I was so sick I threw up bile from my small intestines. Hep A is worse as it means they hired someone that shouldn’t be working in a kitchen, let alone a food place. Hep A is only transferred via food when a business doesnt do health checks, background checks, and usually negligence as well. The lawyer may be able to get them to cover medical costs at least, but some states have statutes and getting it on record also helps pinpoint from start leaving no doubt of how you acquired it when you go to trial (sometimes up to 4 years) later.