
By Justinthebox - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, my 5-year-old son made a drawing of our living room, with the addition of an apparition, and the text, "I can see you. Daddy doesn't see you. Who are you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 559
You deserved it 408

Same thing different taste


CrazyTrainWreck 19

Step 1. Gather your kids up and all cherished belongings 2. Places kids and items in car. 3. Burn house down. 4. Get the hell away from there

Or leave everything including the kids they’re already tainted

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Well whatever your preference is

"they're already tainted" ******* golden lmao

Kids are more sensitive to ghosts than adults. Always believe the kids when this happens but if they say the ghost is nice, it usually is.

My daughter use to say Batman lived *in* our walls and was going to bring her a blue diamond. All of us would see a child like shadow from the corners of our eye. Things like hair brushes would disappear, only to find them days later in the middle of our coffee table.

Im curious, actually I'm just a nosey twat! 😁 Did your daughter ever recieve a blue diamond? (or perhaps sapphire?).

psycobunnymamafox 13

Sounds to me like a "shadow person" they are harmless all the want is to be heard yes children are more prone to seeing them as well as ghosts unless they have bruising that comes out of no where you are fine. Sage can help but if it is a shadow person sage won't do anything.

Ele_68 3

I know it sucks now, but my two are in college now and I long for those days! I still have a dish my lil broke when she was 5. She tried to glue it back together, poor baby glued it back upside down! I also, saved a letter my son wrote me saying he hated me because he was still hungry! Unfortunately we moved from the house they lovingly “decorated” the walls using colors. Take pictures or a video and save for memories!

Ele_68 3

This was for another post! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Havinci 19

pleaaase post a picture of the drawing

You have two options A.) you move now. B.) you assume your kid is just weird like all kids and don't worry about it.