Classic cat

By Anonymous - 09/10/2021 19:58 - Germany - Norden

Today, our cat wrote me a story: "This is where I caught a mouse. This is where I ate the mouse. This is where I puked the mouse." Unfortunately, she wrote it as a graphic novel on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 973
You deserved it 153

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thanks for spoiling that for me -- I wanted to read that one! I hope there's a sequel. Has great potential for professional cosplay which will let me make props on my $600 FDM printer!


Thanks for spoiling that for me -- I wanted to read that one! I hope there's a sequel. Has great potential for professional cosplay which will let me make props on my $600 FDM printer!

nyoot 9

Great writing style! But yeah, sounds like a horrid mess to clean up ..