*Childish Gambino voice* This is America

By poor - 05/08/2019 16:01 - United States

Today, my obnoxious neighbor once again bragged how much she gets from the government because she’s "too fat to work." Meanwhile, I had to start a gofundme after I couldn't afford dialysis from having to cut work hours… so I could go to dialysis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 231
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Spend your gofundme money on pizza and milkshakes so you can get fat enough to get on the dole. Work that system!

ViviMage 39

How fat is that? I know someone 400lbs and works.


ViviMage 39

How fat is that? I know someone 400lbs and works.

julfunky 29

Your weight would have to affect your body — can’t walk or move without pain or difficulty. Something like that. So while some people may be bigger than others they may not qualify if their body is still holding up just fine.

Mooglefox 23

Unless her fat ass is over 600 lbs, and probably blowing a lonely worker, her ass should be working.

Spend your gofundme money on pizza and milkshakes so you can get fat enough to get on the dole. Work that system!

What’s your GoFundMe page? I’ll donate to help you out

Posting again, Dialysis is FREE, it's part of a government program signed by Richard NIxon (He did occasionally get something right). Your local dialysis center will get you set up, and there is a program if you are on dialysis that will pay for your health insurance, and I mean the best you can get through your employer, as well as getting you on Medicare which is also re-reimbursed, again, ALL FREE.

People like that piss me off to no end. They make absolutely no effort and our tax money supports their pathetic asses. And it's not just fat people, either. But people in general that do that shit make me sick.