Childish doofus

By -__- - 26/12/2015 13:41

Today, I showed my husband a recipe for the meal I wanted us to make tonight. He saw cumin was an ingredient and broke into hysterics. By the time he managed to stop laughing, he gasped that he couldn't eat something "with cumin it" and broke down laughing again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 391
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste


You sound a little salty about it OP, sure you didn't get any cumin on you?

That must not have gone down well with you.

He should know the two most common pronunciations are Kyu-min (short u as in cute), and Koo-min (as in fool). He's safe from anything that might come (the correct spelling) in to his food.

When I want to make my husband giggle, I pronounce it with the hard "k", otherwise I always thought the proper way was with a "Q" sound.

Chick29 9

Boys are immature any age. How old is your husband?

Hahaha. Sounds like a fun, happy marriage!

But isn't it pronounced as "Q-min" Not "come in"

It is. But what does the spelling look like?

The only reason I know about cumin is because of drake and josh xD

truckers_wife 23

Drake and Josh taught me how to pronounce it, maybe OP's husband should watch that episode

Treaton 5

sorry but that is hilarious xD my man child cuming out xD..... i'l see myself out