Childish doofus

By -__- - 26/12/2015 13:41

Today, I showed my husband a recipe for the meal I wanted us to make tonight. He saw cumin was an ingredient and broke into hysterics. By the time he managed to stop laughing, he gasped that he couldn't eat something "with cumin it" and broke down laughing again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 391
You deserved it 2 997

Same thing different taste


jjgpiii 4

That's not a big deal be happy you have a funny man

I would love to have a man with a sense of humor like that!

totally something my husband would do. find solace knowing you don't suffer alone.

ChrisMora 16

Huehuehue. Your husband is me in 20 years.

And this ruins you life how? Stop being a stuck up snot and let someone laugh.

hahahahahahahahahahahhahah lol Your man is a bomb

Skyfoogle 14

I hope you learnt to swallow that joke. Seems he didn't choke on it, and he sucks at telling jokes.