
By Anonymous - 17/08/2015 08:33 - United States

Today, after hearing the doctor saying my girlfriend can never be pregnant, I got a bit too excited. I'm currently on the 5th hour of the silent treatment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 700
You deserved it 42 882

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a vasectomy if you don't want children. Sympathize with your girlfriend because learning of infertility can be devastating for some.

Well I would say that you deserved it but you already know that.


You're a really shitty person. Finding out about infertility is devastating for many people.

ImpracticalJoekr 9

Wow you're a buttass. If my husband reacted so happily if we found out I couldn't have kids the silent treatment would be the least of his worries. You're a jerk.

Sometimes, even if the woman may not want kids, it can make her feel like less than a woman. I am NOT saying it does, but have known a few women who can't have kids and it made them feel that least for a while. If she wanted kids someday it can be downright devastating. Even if she hadn't decided if she would someday want to have kids or not, now that choice has been taken away from her and that can be crushing as well. You taking it as a get-out-of-being-a-daddy card was incredibly insensitive.

iAmDictionary 13

I don't understand how this doesn't have more YDI's. OP, you're a special kind of stupid if you thought she wouldn't be upset about this.

You're a selfish douche! I hope she tosses your ass and gets a real man who would comfort her in her moment of anguish. You deserve to die alone where the only sexual pleasure you can achieve is from your hand!

You deserve it. Coming from an infertile woman, how dare you be so happy that you don't have to wear a condom? Would it kill you to try to understand she's probably feeling like she lost part of herself? It might sound strange, but it's true. Not only that, but if it's due to health issues, then you really deserve whatever hell she throws your way. Grow up, man.

As someone who doesn't want kids and can't get pregnant, believe me, it still hurts.

As someone who doesn't want kids (me), it would be awesome news

Speaking from personal experience - expecting that I probably wouldn't be able to have my own kids, I told my boyfriend early on that we may have to adopt. Even though I prepared myself for the news for years, when the doctor finally confirmed it, it hurt. My then boyfriend, now husband, is very understanding and comforting. He is the main reason why I feel better and am looking forward to fostering/adopting when we're ready for the commitment. Doesn't matter whether or not OP's girlfriend ever wanted kids - having the option removed hurts and it lingers. She may feel better soon, but she probably won't ever "get over it." OP, if she forgives you, you'd better prepare yourself for this topic to resurface. There are triggers that bring back the pain (friends having babies, movies, dreams). If your relationship stands a chance, you need to be there for her when that happens and genuinely care about her loss.

I won't lie, ydi. Getting told that you're infertile can be incredibly devastating, if your girlfriend wanted to have children in the future, you just really hurt her by showing your true colors. I hope she dumps you.