Mud butt

By Anonymous - 15/02/2024 09:00 - Canada - Sherkston

Today, while driving the 45 minutes to work, I let out some gas, only to arrive at work and realize I'd sharted. I couldn’t tell because my seat heater was on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 223
You deserved it 488

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You couldn't tell because your "seat heater was on?" No, there are bigger issues here than a simple shart...


Admins - I am once again asking for a moratorium on the "I farted and followed through" FMLs. OP - you need a COVID test - how could you not notice that the smell HADN'T DISSIPATED five minutes after the "fart"?

You couldn't tell because your "seat heater was on?" No, there are bigger issues here than a simple shart...