Caught in 404p

By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 04:49 - Canada

Today, my mom had a talk with me while my dad was out. She said to stop using her lotion for my masturbation sessions. I asked her how long did she know. She replied with, "Ever since we put up that camera in the living room for burglars, where you happen to watch your porn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 295
You deserved it 51 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't you notice a camera? But do it in your room next time. -.-


Colby_Colbert 0

if i were you id jerk off IN her lotion

haha at least ur mom is cool and didn't yell at you for watching ****

do it in the bathroom instead, its more private, no cameras

speak_a_da_truth 0

Stop using lotion! The problem isn't that your mom walked in who hasn't been caught before, or almost caught. Back to the lotion go to the store and get yourself some lube buddy, better yet get a girl (or a guy if that's the way you swing). Reason why lotion dries up and you have to continuously reapply. On a side note don't do it in the living room bro it's just gross to think about your naked ass on a couch in a common area of the home. FYL and YDI

yah do it in your room. and get a personal DVD player with headphones for **** (or an iPhone ;}) but you deserved it for doing it in the living room. haven't you ever seen the American pies?!

fyl4sure 0

Lol shw probably watches you ********** too...

Maybe the OP shares a room with his little brother? although next time wack off in the bathroom.

oh man, i feel bad for you. that is embarrassing as all hell! You know what is worse, is the fact that they knew and let you keep doing it. On the bright side, they didn't tell you to STOP looking at **** on the family computer, just to stop using the lotion. Go buy yourself some KY or something. It's time to upgrade my friend.

I find it creepy that she watched it more than once, and closely enough to know what lotion you're using. Actually, that's just ******* sick. I'd bring that up to your mom, it's inexcusable.