The fertility dance worked

By UnexpectedMom - 31/12/2020 02:01

Today, I'm currently 9 months pregnant with my second child within 3 years. I was told by 4 different doctors over the course of the past 5 years that I'm incapable of having kids, due to a medical condition that affects my reproductive system. FML
I agree, your life sucks 737
You deserved it 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DoctorPALO 14

If you knew they were wrong, why keep having unprotected sex if you didn't want kids?

My mom was told something similar. I am the eldest of four, and she sadly miscarried three times as well. Sometimes the human body can do things no one expects, and no amount of medical expertise can predict it will or won't happen. If being a mom twice over is an FML, may I suggest you and your partner stick to safe sex from now on? Or if you're adamant on avoiding baby #3, he could get the snip. Although there have been instances of that failing as well... Maybe you should stick to oral and toys, just to be safe. Congrats on the first two, by the way.


DoctorPALO 14

If you knew they were wrong, why keep having unprotected sex if you didn't want kids?

My mom was told something similar. I am the eldest of four, and she sadly miscarried three times as well. Sometimes the human body can do things no one expects, and no amount of medical expertise can predict it will or won't happen. If being a mom twice over is an FML, may I suggest you and your partner stick to safe sex from now on? Or if you're adamant on avoiding baby #3, he could get the snip. Although there have been instances of that failing as well... Maybe you should stick to oral and toys, just to be safe. Congrats on the first two, by the way.

Warp1978 15

My wife and I had something like this (she had a pollysistic ovary removed) we've had three kids not accidents and I had the snip this year just to make sure there aren't any others.

sarahcroy20 12

I think I would have figured out they were wrong after the first kid.

Nhayaa 21

And it's an FML because...? If you wanted kids that's not. If you didn't, well, YDI.

mccuish 25

My friend was told the same thing before she had her first kid. She now has 3 kids.

bobsanction 18

Entirely and unequivocally your fault.

As someone who had to do fertility clinics to get pregnant the second and third time, I was still on birth control in between regular trying and between the years I had to try naturally. So me, as someone who was told "Yeah, it's pretty much impossible to get pregnant without help." We still were safe. After your first pregnancy, you should have used protection. 100% your fault when you had opposite results from the doctors diagnosis the first time.

coius 23

How is this an FML, if you’ve seeked doctors because of fertility issues, these should be considered positives. You’ve beat the system, you should be happy. It’s what you wanted, right?

I have sle and was told I’d be dead by 19. I’m 47 now.

Yummi_913 18

Multiple doctors told me the same thing. But after I got pregnant with baby #1 I was smart enough to USE BIRTH CONTROL. You have no-one to blame but yourself, and I really hope you don't take it out on your children. They don't deserve your resentment.