Can't you see?

By imaqtb - 09/09/2010 03:35 - Canada

Today, I was working at a restaurant. This guy comes up to the counter and asks if he could have some toothpicks. I told him they were right in front of him. He said, "Sorry, I'm blind." Thinking it was a joke, I laughed until he said, "No, seriously." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 632
You deserved it 37 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

And then you apologized and everything was fine.

Should have told him you were blind, too.


I am very vision impaired and going blind. Things like this happen to me, too. i try to laugh them off. fyl, more attention.

I'm truly going blind. Many blind people live on their own. If this man had just walked to the busy counter, op may not have seen his cane. Our sunglasses look like a lot of normal ones. Honest mistake. I usually try to laugh it off.

awesomechick618 0

not really, in the movie the book of Eli the guy was blind, most people didn't notice until someone told them or they watched the movie again very carefully

This is hardly an FML. I mean, small embarrassing moments like this are an average occurrence for a lot of people.

ken328 0

Why the **** would you laugh OP? hope you jabbed you in the eye with a toothpick.

when you assume you make an ass out of you and me

While I disagree to laughing at the person - was the blind person without a cane, assistance dog or someone to help. If he was blind enough not to see that how did he go up without assistance? I am curious not accusing.

I am going blind. There's a chance the man could have some peripheral vision. If he was setting near the counter, he would be able to feel his way there without his cane, while still unable to find the toothpicks.