Call CPS, quick

By jessloveskate - 22/06/2022 12:00

Today, I saw a kid throwing a tantrum in a supermarket. Thinking it was a matter of lack of discipline, I waited for the kid’s mother to come out of the bathroom to tell her how naughty her son was being. I then got to watch her beat her son to the point of unconsciousness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 607
You deserved it 1 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It's notable that you just stood around and watched and did nothing as the child got beaten. Maybe you can get a job with the Uvalde cops.

mattiagardin 15

She probably came to that point because of people like you complaining so much for children being children. There are two awful adults on this post


mattiagardin 15

She probably came to that point because of people like you complaining so much for children being children. There are two awful adults on this post

Yeah, and you're the other one. You have no idea if this kid was actually throwing a temper tantrum but have decided to act as if you do know.

Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. It's notable that you just stood around and watched and did nothing as the child got beaten. Maybe you can get a job with the Uvalde cops.

tiptoppc 19

Wow, I gotta say, that comment made me wince, for real. Isn’t this a bit too far? Why not try him out on some light crime, like the police officer that killed george floyd? At least he’d only be charged with one murder rather than 20 counts of pediatricide. Also, this was a poor joke attempt by me. I’m a white male with no record and even *I* hate police!

wrenavery90 12

Where's ACS? That lady should be in prison because that's obviously child abuse. You're a witness of it too so you can help. If you chose not to, I hope you enjoyed getting more for what you paid for 😒

tiptoppc 19

Too busy ignoring mothers killing or beating kids on youtube!

...And then you called the police, right?

Decipherme 11

Too bad he wasn’t unconscious- then it would be your fault for putting your nose in other peoples business… hopefully you learn this time.

Marcella1016 31

Sorry man I don’t think I can decipher you

Decipherme 11

Well hopefully you’ve learned to not poke your nose into other peoples business… hopefully the kid forgives you too. Maybe you can learn the lesson this time.

and the police were called, child placed in CPS custody right?

wrenavery90 12

And you just friggin stood there why she did it! Are you serious? What is wrong with you?